
Friday, 23 August 2019

Maya - get FramesPerSecond setting by script

Here is small script snippet to get Maya settinsg for Frames Per Second playback settings. This is actually not straightforward.

Here is example how to get this in python:

import maya.cmds as mc

framesRateInSecondStr = mc.currentUnit( q = True, time = True )
    framesRateInSecondOptions = { 'game':15, 'film':24, 'pal':25, 'ntsc':30, 'show':48, 'palf':50, 'ntscf':60 }
    if 'fps' in framesRateInSecondStr:
        fpsStr = framesRateInSecondStr.replace( 'fps', '' )
        framesRateInSecond = float( fpsStr )
        framesRateInSecond = framesRateInSecondOptions[framesRateInSecondStr]

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Windows 10 files sharing

Sometimes this can be a challenge, how to easily share files with Windows 10 between PC computers on a local network.

Recently HOMEGROUP sharing system was removed and here is few tips about current way of sharing files and folders: