
Sunday, 18 July 2010

GParted - cool partition tool on boot

I had to use boot partition tool on computer boot. I found the best is actually the Ubuntu desktop Live CD. I was able to run this and edit my partitions as needed without having any OS installed.
In Ubuntu, it`s under Administration and it`s called GParted. It`s also very easy to use.
Plus, all free!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

installing Maya under Ubuntu

so I`m just installing Maya under my new Ubuntu 10.04 x86_64. I went for 64bit because Autodesk Maya downloads for linux are only as 64bit. This way I could get the latest HotFix2 version.
Now, as complete linux newbie for installing things and such I had no idea how to install Maya. I was trying to run some setup.exe etc.. Then I found this great tutorial, thanks to blurymind for this (lower on the page).
And here`s another one, but first one I find better.
Probably the most basic thing for installing stuff - Ubuntu is using debian packages, but you get Maya as rpm (RedHat). This has to be converted to debian first.

I could see more user-friendly way, sort of wizard that would do all this for you and maybe comment on what it is doing. This is were Windows still do better job in getting more home desktop users, as most people will not be so patient and/or technically skilled. And I do it just to get more linux skilled and don`t like how Windows are heavy and hardware drivers always break.

here is Autodesk support page for installing Maya. Not helpful if you are on Ubuntu.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

very cool clay-like characters

check these models that gelmi did, they are awesome! actually it was done for same Vodafone commercial I was showing in this blog (yes done in stop-motion and real clay, not sure if any 3d models were used). If not than it`s real shame!
Luxology Forum > Clay Characters

Thursday, 1 July 2010

jobs for 3d/2d animators for mobile games

I am forwarding this email from my friend from Slovakia/UK:

Sorry for the mass e-mail folks, I just have a job offer for 2D/3D animators interested in working on online and mobile games with a famous studio OneClickDog from Slovakia. For slovak version of the ad click here in case you're an english speaker write directly on for more details

Ospravedlnujem sa za masovy e-mail, mam ponuku prace pre 2D/3D animatorov, ktori by chceli pracovat na online a mobilnych hrach so slavnym studiom OneClickDog v SR. Detaily tu

make Linux shell executable script in 3 steps!

open new file

syntetik@syntetik-desktop:~/Documents$ gedit my_cmd

1: edit


def main():

print 'hello from my_cmd!'


2: add executable permission

chmod +x my_cmd

get file path by typing pwd

syntetik@syntetik-desktop:~/Documents$ pwd

3: add this path to environment variable

export PATH=$PATH:/home/syntetik/Documents/

now you can run the script as a command

syntetik@syntetik-desktop:~/Documents$ my_cmd
hello from my_cmd!